They swapped principle for power. They ended up with neither. They deserved to lose. (The Age of Turbulence by Allan Greenspan)
他們放棄原則換取權力,結果他們兩面落空,他們活該失敗。(我們的新世界 / 艾倫.葛林斯潘)
莎士比亞筆下珠璣難以盡數,哈姆雷特一劇中的 ”Brevity is the soul of wit.”(簡潔乃機智之靈魂,或曰言以簡為貴),自是其中一例。而此處所引前美國聯準會主席葛林斯潘先生連珠炮似的三個短句,堪稱最佳見證。自認是一名開明前進的共和黨員,葛老批評起自家政黨可是一點也不留情面。三個文法結構幾近雷同的句子,緊湊相疊,確是言簡意賅,力透紙背。
They swapped principle for power.
主詞 動詞 受詞 介詞片語作副詞修飾動詞
They ended up with neither.
主詞 片語動詞 受詞
They deserved to lose.
主詞 動詞 不定詞作受詞
1. swap: 用作及物動詞時,意為以一物交換另一物,通常可以exchange或 trade替換,典型的用法就是swap (exchange, trade) A for B。同時,swap, exchange, trade 也都可當名詞用。
The hijackers demanded to exchange some hostages for their comrades in prison.
The villagers trade farm products for manufactured goods.
The defendant was accused of engaging in a swap of drugs for stolen goods.
2. end up with: 英語世界中有所謂片語動詞者,或二字或三字,或及物或不及物,再舉數例:
It is not easy to catch up with him.
After a two-day meeting, the delegates finally came up with a proposal.
His buying an iPhone is just another attempt to keep up with the Joneses.
Do we have to put up with this nonsense?
3. neither: 此處是代名詞用法,意為二者皆非,若欲表達三者或以上皆非則用none。Neither 也可用作形容詞、連接詞(neither…nor)。
I know neither of the twins
None of the three brothers is here.
Neither glove can be found.
Neither he nor his parents are to blame.
They seem neither frightened nor surprised.
I feel neither anxiety nor fear.
4. deserve: 意為值得、應受(賞罰),多半以及物動詞的形態出現,後接名詞、不定詞或動名詞為受詞。若作不及物用,現在分詞形態之deserving等同於形容詞worthy,後接介詞of再接受詞:
You surely deserve a promotion.
Nobody deserves to die in this meaningless war.
Men also deserve pampering.
Their courage is deserving (worthy) of praise.